All-on-4® / All-on-6® implantology procedures are performed at our dental center, as the latest state-of-the-art solution that provides patients with a nice smile and immediate teeth replacement. This is the latest method for implant placement in just one day.
The All-on-4 is an innovative method of installing a fixed prosthetic replacement on the upper and lower jaw on only 4 implants, while the All-on-6® method is made on 6 implants.
With this kind of minimal invasive treatment, we bring back your smile in just a few hours. This is why more and more patients choose this solution.
This entire concept of an immediate loading includes the tooth removal, implant placement and providing the patient a temporary fixed bridge on the first visit. This implies an immediate loading of a fixed bridge in only 12 hours from the beginning of the procedure.
The All-on-4® concept allows You to avoid all the negative sides of prosthetics, mobile prosthesis, or the few remaining teeth you have been using, causing You pain while biting or eating. All-on-4® is an excellent solution for patients who due to the lack of jawbone are not candidates for traditional implant therapy.